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Useful Links (Safeguarding, E-Safety and Wellbeing resources)

We teach the children in school about how to keep safe which includes safety online and our staff undertake training to ensure we are aware of developments and changes as the digital world expands. Please see below information which will help you to be aware of controls and emerging issues online together with resources from the NSPCC that you can use at home to reinforce how children can keep safe. This is more important than ever as children have access to devices and the internet at home as well as in school. You may find that the information is relevant for any older children too. There are lots of useful links here for you to explore and some digital stories that you may want to share with your children which are age appropriate. If you are worried or require any assistance with e-safety please see your child's class teacher, Miss Woodmore our Head teacher or Miss Barnes, Deputy Head teacher.

We are committed to wellbeing at Ranvilles Infant School and would like to share the Parenting Support pack below with you.  This resource was provided by the Primary Behaviour Support team and has lots of hints and tips regarding sleep,exercise and nutrition.  Other links below provide signposting for adults in our school community who may need assistance or guidance.  We are always here to offer support.     
